Handmade Fall Home Decor Heart Wreath


Fall (or Autumn) is my favorite season of the year and I know I’m not alone in this. Ok, so the days turn shorter and cooler but with that also comes the antecipation and excitement leading up to Halloween, Thanksgiving and eventually Christmas who will then be just around the corner too. I start craving roasted chestnuts and hearty pumpkin soup but above else I fall in love with its colors each and every year. I take in the beautiful myriad of shades of orange, red, rust, brown, dark green that’s all around us in the outdoors and I let it inspire me to create home decor pieces like this one, so I’m surrounded by it indoors too.

In the videos below I show you how I created this gorgeously sparkly Autum wreath, including how to create the individual embelishments themselves. As always, you will find a suggested list of supplies at the bottom of the page should you want to recreate something similar to this. But also remember to look around your existing supplies and adapt the techniques I show you to work with the materials you have at hand. I would also definitely encourage you to take this as opportunity to explore your local park and notice nature’s bounty. To feel inspired by its colors and textures and to really look around for fallen acorns, little twigs, dried leaves, etc that you can incorporate in your craft projects to make them even more unique and personal.